Wattgate IEC does not fit tight.

I have a Kimber Palladian power cable which is fantastic. It has Wattgate 330i connecters. The IEC keeps disconnecting from the amp due to not fitting tight. I replaced it with a 350i and it won't even connect now. It seems the part that connects to the amp are too far inside the IEC. It falls out immediately. Is there a quality IEC I can use that fits tight. I used a $6 computer cord and it works fine. any help would be appreciated. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xpal

I'd also contact Kimber about your concerns if you already haven't done so.

Yeah, congrats, I’ve had this exact problem and it appears by design.

I did an in depth analysis here.

In addition to the models failing to seat properly, the other issue is the construction materials.  I found the assembly screws to be very soft and easy to strip. At beat you could assemble/remove those connectors two or three times before the screw heads stripped.  I was really so not impressed by this brand at all.

But basically I suggest you give up on Wattgate and get another brand, preferably something without rhodium plating, but the Connex models aren’t bad.



erik_squires.  That is the exact issue I am having. I will look into a different IEX.

Rarely has an audio accessory pissed me off as much as the Wattgate connectors.