The fibre used in the OpticalRendu cleans up any noise in your internal network. Whatever is connected to the Ethernet and into the RJ45 connection will likely inject noise into the network. That noise will potentially travel into your DAC. The UltraRendu does not help in this scenario, the OpticalRendu is the way to go.
A fibre optical "moat" just before your DAC is ideal. Now the Lumin X1 is great at this because it has a fibre Optic connection in the DAC/Streamer. However, the DAC part is not as good as my Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC (my opinion).
The OpticalRendu is not theoretically perfect like the X1 because there is a conversion from fibre to USB and then into the DAC. However, the bits into the OpticalRendu should be clean since it traveled through the glass fibre optical cable. Glass cannot carry analog noise, thus a "moat".
This is how I am able to use a noisy $500 Dell PC to run my ROON Core. I have no keyboard, monitor, or mouse hooked up to the PC and it resides under a bed in the guest room. I RDP into the machine in the event I need to reboot or whatever. This hardly ever happens. The PC starts automatically up at 7AM and shutdown at 2:30AM.
I sometimes run processor intensive ROON convolution filters (for headphones). The digital balance (for speakers). Everything worked perfectly on this low-cost PC. I also use the copper wires in my house walls to move the bits from room to room. The OpticalRendu's are at the endpoints where I have audio systems.
So easy, so powerful, and sounds perfect.