Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.

Today is February 4th, 2025. So today marks 42 years since Karen Carpenter passed away. This is a sad time, but a very good time to listen to her most beautiful voice and look at some of your favorite pictures of Karen. Personally, I look at Karen's eyes, they melt my heart!


Her voice was iconic and was an indelible part of my childhood, and many may not realize that she was a very competent drummer as well.  I’ll definitely be giving her a listen today. 

She had a fantastic voice. Her brother was a wizard at production and the recording quality was always exceptional.

The Carpenters were that kind of group that many of my friends wanted to shun because they were a bit kitschy, but many of them finally caved pleading, in effect, that even tough guys need a puppy; and it didn't hurt that the puppy could croon like an angel. The best of the songs were classic but classics from an earlier time.