Esoteric . . . your thoughts please

Does anyone have any experience with the Esoteric P-05/D-05 combination?

I was also wondering about others' experience with different Esoteric products. I am considering trading a McIntosh Mcd301 for an Esoteric unit, in an effort to obtain better build quality and superior sound reproduction. Any insights would be appreciated. I am aware that Esoteric has a newly released D-07, which has more digital inputs than the D-05. Eventually, I want to include a computer server into my two channel system. But my primary interest is in having the best sounding two channel system playing cds. The P-05/D-05 combination is priced at the maximum dollar amount I would be willing to spend.

Thanks for your thoughts.
I've had a UX-1 upgraded to a UX-1pi by Esoteric and a G-0s rubidium clock for over 2 years now and couldn't be happier. Retained the UX-1 VRDS transport. Build quality is great and they are really nice people to deal with. You can take their gear up another notch or 2 with proper cabling for your system - they respond very well to my SR and Mexcel digital cabling. I'm using an external APL prototype 32-bit Super DAC with incredible (at least for me) results.
If you want the snappy, quick bass and control of the Esoteric D05 along with a smoother, more musical presentation you need to look at a Wadia 521 GNSC. I owned both the 521 (still own the 521) and the D05 and did extensive comparisons. I sold the D05 as the Wadia 521 with mods was just in a different league musically. So much more musical through the mid band, but retained all the detail, grunt and low end of the D05.
Who perform the modification to the Wadia 521, and what was modified/changed, and with what perceivable audible differences? G.
Great Northern Sound (GNSC) does the mods. They add a ton of black gates and power upgrades as well as some dampening. I did not own an un-modded GNSC 521 so cant tell you the exact differences, but I have owned other digital gear basic and modded by GNSC and can say the difference is astonishing.