Bluesound node icon

I'm curious to know what the icon owners think of this product. Spec wise it seems to be an improvement over their older units (having dual upgraded ess chips & balanced inputs, ect). Bluesound markets it as high end. Do you think it can now compete with the big boys rather than be considered "entry level" as it has been in the past

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsagger

It’s a Swiss Army knife product with a decent DAC from what I can see.  I can’t tell what kind of power supply it uses, which along with its price means it’s probably not a LPS and also sports a low-rent, two prong A/C plug socket neither of which say it competes with the “big boys.”  That it includes things like a headphone amp, eARC, multi-room capability, video screen, etc. further tells me they put $ in multifunction/lifestyle features over ultimate sound quality.  It’s probably quite good for what it is and at its price point, but implying it can compete with pricier streamers from companies like Aurender, Innuos, etc. with a separate DAC or even something like an Aurender A150 is a stretch in my book.  Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

Yes I did think the C7 power cord connection was bush league, but yet it has balanced interconnect. The headphone amp is THX AAA so I’m thinking it should be pretty good. I don't want to spend as much as the 2 you mentioned, but want something pretty decent. Do you think the Eversolo A6 master is worth the extra $300 or is it splitting hairs? I read Bluesound app iOS is better for iPhone users such as me where Eversolo has less app issues with androids. I’m not sure how true that