what is more popular silver or black face plates

It seemed back in the 80's & 90's most high end components were black. Although some components today still offer black finishes it seems silver is now more popular. What are your thoughts & color preference?

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I've had systems that were both although I've had black more often.  My current main system, which I believe will be my forever system, is black with the exception of the isolation transformer which was a carryover from previous system configurations, although I'll likely swap its silver faceplate for a black one soon.  All-in-all I prefer black.


Usually black, but ARC gear looks more "right" in natural aluminum (silver). Atma-Sphere’s champagne is my all-time favorite.


The 70’s silver face units were, in my mind, the bomb.

Nowadays I prefer the black face units as they can be swapped out without much heat from she who must be obeyed. 

I prefer silver, but have both silver and black because some of my components were only offered in black. To me, black looks outdated and silver looks more modern. I’m actually surprised by all the comments on this post.