Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
My haughty We or You db? You are quite entertaining and I said nothing in regards as coming off as arrogant, unworthy or mean. Leave your attitude somewhere else!!! If you have something against me email me offline.

I did mean the top of the line model XA9000ES which is the SCD XA9000ES and not SACD. I was just answering Gandme's thread.
Sorry I used "haughty indignation" that so jangled you, Samzx12. You wrote that you hoped everyone knew you meant the SACD 9000, a model that I think doesn't exist. By implication, I read that to be dismissive of the DVP-S9000ES, a model to which Gandme inaccurately refers, but we could only conclude from the context of previous posts that at you meant XA9000ES. I apologize for my inflammatory prose.

On a personal note, I have a DVP-S9000ES that I think sounds pretty damn good, especially when playing SACDs with the video processing turned off. It is handsome and built like a tank, but no match sonically for my XA5400ES, not as detailed nor as smooth nor does it portray soundstage as well. The difference is most striking when playing CDs.

How could I have something against you? I don't even know you.

Dbphd,I think most would know the difference if I did not hit the model # by calling it a multi player....excuse me.. the 9000es in the model # is enough to cause confusion! I think you do not understand the build difference between the DVD-9000 UNIVERSIAL player and the XA-9000 CD/SACD player...I have fondled both...there is no comparison in build quality between the two. The XA-9000ES CD/SACD player is built at a much higher standard. I also think after owning many CD/SACD and Universial players the XA-9000ES is at the top of the heep (my system, my ears).
I'm not sure whether you meant "no comparison" as hyperbole, Gandme, but according to Sony the mass of the XA9000ES is 35 pounds, 5 ounces, whereas the mass of the DVP-S9000ES is 27 pounds, 12 ounces, more than 6 pounds less. But the mass of the XA5400ES is only 22 pounds, 8 ounces, so you might conclude that it is the inferior unit. I have never heard a XA9000ES, but a number of reviewers claim the sonics of the XA5400ES are superior to those of the XA9000ES. Go figure.

In further pursuit of build quality it might be noted that according to Sony the mass of the SCD-1 is 58 pounds, 7 ounces, so in comparison the XA9000ES is a light weight, and one might predict the less than 23 pound XA5400ES to be a piece of crap with dreadful sonics. This is like beating a dead horse, though.
