No matter what it really all depends on synergy. I love my GE & RCA 5751 & 5814 Black Plates, I have them in Gray versions from GE & RCA as well. I’ve also accumulated At7’s, AU7’s & AX7’s from Amprex, Mullard,Slovak, Psvane, & Northern Electric that are now just sitting in a box. I sold the bugle Boys being I could.
I’ve tried em’ all and found it’s all dependent on what you AND your system like. My GE 5814 Black Plates sound the best in my System’s Preamp.
GE 5751 Black Plates sound the best in my PhonoPre
RCA 5751 Black Plates sound the best in my DAC. (For Output)
Thank god the preamp tubes should last a long time being these tubes are getting harder to locate, at a reasonable price that is.
A tube reseller once told me Black Plate Tubes handle the internal heat better, All I can tell you from my experience, I find Black Plates to sound better and have a better synergy with my equipment.