This thread started in the right place: clean power and optimal clocking are the most important ingredients of a good system.
Clocking unfortunately comes in various flavours: incoming signal, whether ethernet or fibre, streamer output to DDC or DAC, D/A conversion. In particular it matters whether the DAC slaves the streamer (USB) or reclicks the streamer output (I2S, AES/EBU SPDIF, Optical, BNC). In my experience outside topshelf offerings from e.g MSB, WADAX, etc, clocks in most components are not at the same level as good 10m master clocks because building a $3-10K clock into a streamer or DAC simply isn’t economically viable and additionally full synchronisation between various components can unlock additional benefits.
In terms of power supplies Farad, Paul Hynes and Sean Jacobs seem to have built a fine niche supplying high end dacs and streamers from different manufacturers albeit sometimes requiring major surgery on the component being upgraded.
All this goes to show that the lack of specific recommendatiins on this thread has multiple causes before you even start getting into cables, filters and active decrapifiers.
So unless you pay up for absolute top components, it’ll be trial and error before one arrives at a satisfactory SQ