How often to you clean vinyl and the needle?

Every time you spin one?



I use an ultrasonic cleaner when I first receive an LP. Records are stored in proper anti static sleeves and album jacked is stored in proper sleeve as well. I never touch the surface of a Record with anything. Furutech anti static device. Common sense, IMHO, says never use anything that could push surface contaminants, visible or otherwise, into the grooves where the stylus rides. I clean the stylus every LP by touching it gently on a Audio-Technica AT617a Cartridge Stylus Cleaner.

Records in the Nitty Gritty when new. Rarely after that.  Stylus with Oznow after every side and usually a swipe with LP#9.  I have never had an issue with Lp#9 ever damaging a stylus or cartridge. 

I wonder how many of us who rarely clean their styli ever look at the stylus under high magnification after long term use. If you did you’d be motivated to clean the stylus every few sides. I routinely use Magic Eraser but to be really thorough I use a liquid solution and a tiny brush .

"I wonder how many of us who rarely clean their styli ever look at the stylus under high magnification after long term use. If you did you’d be motivated to clean the stylus every few sides. I routinely use Magic Eraser but to be really thorough I use a liquid solution and a tiny brush ."

lewm's point bears repeating.  Also controlling static one way or another and the use of antistatic sleeves are all important points well made.  The first records I bought with paper route money in 1963-4 are still in my collection today.  The one tool from yesteryear that I miss is the Dustbug.