Marantz SA-11 S1 vs Sony XA-5400es

Any users of both in a position to comment on a comparison?
I can get either for a similar price and wondered which would be a better buy for both redbook and SACD?
My experience with the SA-11 is limited to a few listens, and I haven't heard the XA5400ES, but the player I own is a Sony XA9000ES which is the predecessor of the XA5400ES.
To my ears, the Marantz came across as a very warm, relaxed sound with the hard edges smoothed over. The XA9000ES comes across much cooler, slightly more clinical as well as detailed.
Some may prefer the Marantz sound and I can totally understand that preference. I, however, was a little worried that its sound might be too mellow if I listened to it all the time.
Having said that, the XA5400ES (which I have not heard), is described (see Kalman Rubinson's review in Stereophile) as being not so clinical-sounding as the XA9000ES. This should be a plus, and I'm hopeful (for I'm considering buying one) that its sound is somewhere between the XA9000ES and the SA-11.
Best of luck.

teamed with the right pre/power amp. the Marantz is miles and miles and miles ahead of the Sony. The Marantz is a warmer player so I would not team it with any tubes. : )
i owned the marantz 11s2. this is the current model. forgive the diversion. i found the marantz ruthlessly revealing of source material, using a tube amp.

i have not heard the sony player.
I have the Marantz SA-11S2 with the Level 2 Underwood Modifications.

Never have I enjoyed music at this level, of total


It sounds like a "Master Tape Player" with the dynamics

of Digital.

Simply must be heard to be enjoyed!

My Sony XA-7ES with the Benchmark Dac-1 was real good,

but the Marantz goes to another league!

The newer Sony models never really made "Music".