I wouldn’t, but it is your house (I hope?) After re-reading this thread if that is easiest then yes do it. I think alot of us who use power conditioners have it within 1-2m of the components, and then if you need a longer power cord to go from the wall to the conditioner you buy just one longer power cord.
@mclinnguy , house is ours, bought and now paid for. And moving the outlets up about a foot or a foot & 1/2 would allow all of the gear that I am using to go straight into the wall. Not only that, when I do that, I might as well do a better job of routing the three runs of Romex to insure more space between them. Which will put me back up in the attic again, which is my least favorite place in this house, but it’s not like I have a lot else going on in my life.
Sounds like you are fixed into your components needing to be in a rack? A tall one? Do they need to be? I don’t have a rack- I have platforms- so I don’t have that issue.
Well, not really, but that’s another story. The gear is off to the side, not in a rack and not between the speakers.