Movie/film suggestions.


While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies wink).

I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:

The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?



+1 @bdp24 I definitely agree, Wings of Desire is my all time favorite art flick.


How about the final scene, where Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds are the band playing in the hotel bar.

Peter Falk … esp at the food cart, that’s one of my favorite scenes also.

Just a lovely film, everything about it, imo.

+1 @quickink Harold and Maude is one of my top 10 favs also. It’s a great film for a number of reasons, but obe of them is the lovely Cat Stevens soundtrack!

How about Rocky Horror Picture Show? Anyone else used to go to the midnight showing on an occasional basis back in my youth in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

It’s a great campy film. Doesn’t get much more fun than that. Pretty great soundtrack and even a hit by Meatloaf as Eddie. My fav song is The Time Warp. What a classic.

Tim Curry was Transexual before it was even a thing, lol.

Live and Die in LA

The French Connection

Both directed by William Friedkin 17 years apart. Excellent action sequence - some similarities. Live and Die in LA music by Wang Chung.