Which is the better player Cary 306/200 or 303/300

Looking for a new CDP and thought someone would have some input on comparing both of these units.
I am also considering a Raysonic 168. Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!
I owned a 306/200. I did an all out assault bought 5 CD players and a/b/c/d/e/f'd them all. the clear winner was the Ayre C5xe which has since been greatly improved with the mp upgrade. Eventually though I ended up with a Modwright modified Transporter as well and have never looked back. However if you're sticking with a new CD player I think you'd be making a mistake not to consider the updated Ayre.
Not really. I bought them all used, and then I resold them. Most I broke even on. On one I was able to sell it for $400 more than I paid for it. To me it was an investment in finding out information you just can't get any other way, and as long as I stayed w/ used gear, it didn't really cost me anything.
I'm not sure. It was a few years ago now. It was a 306/200 and as I remember it did have SACD capabilities although that was not part of my audition. Some players did have SACD capability (including the Ayre) and some did not. The other manufacturers I compared were Levinson, NuForce, and Wadia.