Separate preamps and power amps provide greater flexibility to customize SQ by mixing and matching brands and models at the additional expense of interconnects, power cords, racking area, and vibration isolation. Some will say separate chassis provide better SQ because of better power regulation due to separate supplies and better isolation from interference. However, I have found modern integrated amps produce near equivalent or better SQ than some separates at the same price point. I went from separates to an integrated system. I do believe a seperate DAC and server/streamer sounds better than most fully integrated systems and here, the additional flexibility is worth it. I also find that running a DAC with preamp capabilities through an integrated amp or preamp sounds better than using the DAC as the preamp direct to a power amp. but it seems counterintuitive. The shortest signal path should produce the best SQ. I cannoli explain why other than my preamps or integrated amp is of better quality than the DAC preamp function.