A lot of good advice. If you have an integrated amp and it has all the inputs you need and it controls your system the way you want it to you should be set. If you prefer separate components with a stand alone power amplifier, you will need a separate preamplifier to connect to your power amp.
There must be a reason why you boutan integrated to begin with, and if you're not satisfied with the sound but want the convenience, get a better one. There are literally hundreds of the out there at all price levels.
As an Audiophile I prefer separates because it allows me to taylor my system to my personal preferences and I enjoy all the research, auditioning, purchasing, selling and enjoying individual components. I believe separates are superior for this reason alone, not to forget the better sound quality. The search for better sound doesn’t end in this hobby! I’m sure there are excellent integrated amps out there, but that’s no fun 😁
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