12au7 tube?

Looking for a good 12au7 (JJ ecc802s currently). I know the Telefunken ECC802s is the holy grail, but it comes at a price that is just too steep for me to justify. Many will recommend Mullard, but I always find them a bit too "wooly", lacking in definition. They're going in a Mastersound 845 Compact.


What tubes would you recommend that fits between the clarity of the Telefunken (without the price...) and the Mullard? I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pair (let's say max $500 for the pair, prefer to be lower if at all possible).



Have you ever bought problematic tubes from Viva and not been taken care of by them?

I’m asking because they always take care of their customers, at least in my experience.


I have six PSVANE/Art 12au7 tubes and five of them are bad. Both Viva the vender and PSVANE blew me off. 

I will NEVER give either one of them my business.

I settled on Radiotechnique in my Backert preamp. I thought they were made by Mazda but perhaps I'm wrong.  They just edge out the Cifte's that I also have and which I'm pretty sure were made by Mazda.

Amperex is great too: a tad warmer, whereas Radiotechnique gives you a little more "air".

I didn't get on well with Brimars because of reliability problems but perhaps that was just bad luck.

I tried a pair of Psvane ART series a while ago and thought them the best of new production that I tried (Mullard and Gold Lion), but prefer NOS.  No problems with the Psvane but two tubes in a preamp for not too long is hardly a representative sample.

Question: has anyone tried the Apos Ray 12AU7, which seems to be the new kid on the block making a few waves.


I forgot all about them.  They came on like gang busters advertising everywhere and then just stopped. I’ll be listening to hear what answers you get.

Oh and thanks for jogging my memory.😊