Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade



As I said, it’s only one guy’s opinion.

Linn do have a very clear idea of what better means.

However, I’m a little surprised that one or two people appear to be spending £8,750, without first listening. I guess they just have to have the latest thing.

It’s not just a matter of it being better. It’s also a question if whether it is enough of an improvement to justify spending that much money. As we have discussed before, everybody has to make their own call on that.

Although I’m not surprised that some people do have faith in Linn’s upgrades. Their reputation is built on past performance. I can’t think of one supposed upgrade that wasn’t an improvement.

Thanks for the note newton_john. I realize the sharing of the comment from another who had heard both was offered as one more twig of opinion in the campfire discussion of new gear for Linn and the price that accompanies it. I also agree with daveyf and lewm that certainly there is a lot more needed to empirically  state that one is better than the other. Now that we’re talking about it I’m not so sure that there could actually be a definitive means of claiming that (same old argument for us I think), considering all the variances involved; hearing acuity, personal taste, room, gear (solid state vs. tube) etc.  I’m just glad someone chimed in a while back about what they heard in reading about the BooPlinth followed by a fair amount of someones who heard the BooPlinth to cause me to take the risk to spend $2,400 US and buy it for my system.  I think one of the downfalls of our hobby is there’s a lot that can’t easily be demonstrated, especially in your own home system.  I guess I got lucky in that purchase that it all lined up for me as a great decision. Who knows, the  Bedrok might blow me away too, just not sure that it’s value proposition is enough for me to take the risk.  



I am pleased to hear the BooPlinth was a success for you.

I did see one at an audio show. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in use at the time so I can’t comment on its sound.

My turntable is now back in action after a few weeks with a fault. It’s fantastic to have vinyl again. I just don’t get the same pleasure out of streaming Qobuz or local files on a DSM.

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I love my LP 12's but for this amount of money I would upgrade to an used SME Model 20.