I often notice that people who have open reel decks and/or tube equipment are nicest

 around here on Audiogon. They are also usually very knowledgeable.

What's your impression?


The patience and meticulous attention required for reel to reel probably would make for a calm, friendly, and controlled personality.  Does this make such owners also more inclined to be serial killers?

@larryi  Most probably, never ever stop by the creepy reel to reel dude's house to buy any gear. He'll probably have it priced low to attract dozens of suckers. When you do show up, he might just boil you in his serial boiling cauldron along with the other audio nerds who tried to beat you to it.....Danger Danger McGranger...

The patience and meticulous attention required for reel to reel probably would make for a calm, friendly, and controlled personality.  Does this make such owners also more inclined to be serial killers?

Most audiophiles, if they met such a fate, would not be missed.  It is mostly a solitary pursuit.

I fit only one half of the description--I am very much a tube person, particularly low-powered tube amps, but, I don't have the patience for reel to reel, nor the money for it.   I have enough exposure to good reel to reel playback that I do appreciate how good it can sound.  

Yes, reel to reel endeavour is something that one should have passion for, especially these days when cost is high and finding people to service your high end deck may not be easy. But they are great timeless machines. I don't have one yet, thinking...

I do have Nakamichi 682ZX cassette deck and Panasonic AG-7350 SVHS deck to play music. Both sound very good but they cannot be like true reel to reel deck. I love tape.