My circadian rhythm is a mess and I stayed up late (or early, depending on how you look at it) last night watching Vengeance (2022),starring BJ Novak (of The Office). I was thinking that I probably was not going to like it and would probably turn it off in the early going as it also featured Ashton Kutcher, which made me think it was going to be a stupid or sappy comedy. However: it was a real good movie. Not a GREAT movie, but still a good one. It turned out to have a serious and grim plot, but the dialogue was good, and there was lots of fairly dark humor wove in. Novak did a good job with his part. Movies have to have twists, I guess, and this was no exception, it had a couple of plot twists, and I will say that I was surprised by the ending.
It was not at all a Cormack McCarthy screen play (which if it was would have done nothing to redeem anyone’s soul) but everyone did not exactly live happily ever after either. Not exactly.
Worth watching, in my opinion, if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill and you are looking for something kind of new.