Hearing Aids

I have used hearing aids for 20 years, but primarily for understanding voices in movies and TV. I was considering selling my Merlin TSM speakers, but in the meantime, my wife and family were starting to complain about my hi fi levels. I put the aids in, and...WOW....what a difference in clarity and depth! Why the heck didn't I try this sooner? This was one reason why I decided to stick with the Merlins. Well, as luck would have it....I have lost one of my aids. They (Phonak) were going on 10 years old so maybe it’s time to upgrade those. However, my insurance plan will only pay $1200 towards new hearing aids. The Phenol, at least 10 years ago, were quite pricey. Any thoughts from this sage group?


In response to dctom, for speech they are not bad, however it seems that the tone controls they provide not only take out background noises, but they also affect speech because they over lap. My "lobby" for parametric is it would allow the user to zoom in on the problem area. My hearing loss is all above 1K. To a point that the response of my aids are flat below 1K. Above is a different story. I agree that to a point certain things sound tinny. I don't remember running water or flushing sounding like it does with the aids. Just wish I had more control.

Update. Went to an audiologist yesterday. Some of the test results were dipping into both the "moderate hearing loss" and "severe hearing loss" categories. I decided to tick with the Phonak brand. Starting there their "least" expensive, ($3k/pair),  but have over a month to decide if they are "right" for me. I'll report back. Thanks for all the comments.

Thanks for the update.  I have decided that when I recover from my knee surgery this spring that I will intensely pursue an upgrade 

troutbum- Congratulations on making this choice! I would be very surprised if you didn’t really like these devices. If you keep an open mind, a new world awaits you.