any members in Montana

I am interested in an ad posted from the beautiful state of Montana, but the seller is is not an expert and cannot say much about the state of the amp. If there was a member nearby Whitefish, I would make it worth their while to look at it for me. Thank you!


@immatthewj ,

I write that in the spirit of fun, my friend. There’s not a place on inhabited Earth that doesn’t have its share of drama. But, geez Louise! Those are some stories!

@thecarpathian , oh my, I hope you didn't interpret my long winded reply as being antagonistic or defensive.  As I started typing I just kept thinking of more and more reasons a realistic and believable drama could be set in Montana that would be interesting for the viewer.  But I am likely not be a good barometer for what the average viewer wants to watch.  

A River Runs Through It was supposed to be set in the Missoula.  The Horse Whisper was supposed to be set somewhere in Montana.  Legends of The Fall was supposed to be set someplace in Montana.  None of these are on my personal list of favorite movies, and none of them are as action packed as Yellowstone, but I find all of them way more watchable because they are actually believable.  

But again:  sorry for the long winded reply.  I did not intend to type it in an aggressive tone if that is how it came across.    

you guys are the most polite gentlemen I know here :)

Ha ha!  When I was going off with that litany of reasons that I find Yellowstone to be a total waste, I forgot to mention the completely unbelievable  portrayal that Kelly Reilly does of John Dutton's (Kevin Costner') daughter.  Oh Em Gee but that is bad!  (There actually is a tiny town in Montana named Dutton.  Not even one red light in that one.  It's a bit north of Great Falls on I 15.  I guess the town's namesake  had something to do with the rail road way back when; I am kind of  surprised that Yellowstone hasn't found a way to credit that to their fictional John Dutton.)

If any of you are on Facebook there's a site called Where In Montana Is this- Has some interesting photos and some simple local commentary. This pops up occasionally in between speakers and tube amps.