Just and update, I founds some Arcici stands and am ordering some herbie’s dots and gliders before installing. The stands are about 45# (shipping was more than the stands) and I think the speakers are over 100#, so I am waiting on the dots to assemble/raise/move. I don’t know if I am going to put any weights in the stands, they are designed to hold a good amount of sand. Hopefully with the gliders I will be able to move them around without too much trouble. I am going to reposition the speakers away from the wall, with wider spacing.
These aren’t mine, but the stands look like these:
@amtprod wrote:
I see 555’s in perfect order for $400. For another $400 you have a nearly totally new amp that sounds incredible and reliable for another 2 decades. https://hoppesbrain.com/product/adcom-gfa-555-mk2-input-board/
I decided to go this route and try out the 555’s with new boards installed. There is a person out west who was highly recommended, and he has been a pleasure to work with. He seems to work with Adcom exclusively. I am waiting for their return, they should be here this week.
I don’t plan to bridge, but rather bi-amp with one 2 channel amp per speaker (vertical).
For the time being, I am hoping that the NAD streaming DAC will be pleasing. I realize that since moving the system to this big room I have not implemented the Dirac room correction, so I will also try that.
If the sound is pleasing, my next step may well be to get a turntable.
Thanks for all the feedback, good listening to all.