I went to the Tampa Audio Fest/Expo on Friday. Lots of rooms and moderately crowded, but no overcrowded. I was mostly able to get right into any room and get a good listening seat.
Like any event like this, it's overwhelming and marginally comparative. Too much variation of rooms, equipment, cables, speakers, source material, etc. With that caveat in mind, I was really impressed with the following:
Clarysis planar speakers. They look really interesting and sounded extraordinarily clear, detailed, impactful, and musical. The big ones, Atriums, are very large and very expensive at $785,000. But the smaller ones, Piccolo, are about $20,000 and quite impressive.
Popori Acoustics electrostatic WR-1 speakers. Again, good looking and reasonably sized. I had a center front row seat; the imagining was tall, broad, rock stable, and the speaker locations were unidentifiable in the soundstage. Great tight bass, smooth midrange, and extended crisp highs. Very impressive at $85,000.
OAudio Icon horn speakers. Very impressive in an otherwise unimpressive room. Powerful, dynamic, punchy, and smooth, very lifelike presentation. No typical horn-honkiness/shoutiness. Also, very impressive at about $20,000.
There were a few other components I found interesting, but so difficult to compare... The Block amplifiers were powerful and detailed. What's not to like about VAC, other than their price. I liked the Acora and Gershwin speakers too, but I wasn't blown-away by them.
I'm looking forward to going again next year.