@devinplombier I have not spoken with Danny McKinney the designer in about a month. My issue is that I am trying to go cold turkey on all purchases at least until December 2025. I am working 2 jobs to get the financial house in order. I have been selling audio gear the last few weeks, including today with the Sanders Magtech amp.
I will give Danny a call tomorrow and ask how the speaker is progressing. It should be ready soon and he already has a few sales queued just on his stellar reputation. I may be one of the few that has actually heard the prototype.
Once I am clear on my finances I will get the open baffle. Wife is already OK with having 2 speakers in the Livingroom. Danny actually wants to try it in my Livingroom where my Yamaha NS5000 resides. The NS5000 sounds great in the space with the Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC, and he thinks his speaker will be even better. He has heard the NS5000 at my place and he loved it.
I heard the prototype with my Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC at his home (not a good audio space) and it was great. The Yggi+ OG is something special with bass.