Simple tube-use question

Good day A-Gers:

I have a few old pairs of 12AX7 tubes that am planning to evaluate in my phono-pre. 

Because they were shipped without a box, some of these tubes have the testing data written on a peel-n-stick label that is attached directly to the glass

Should the paper/glue be removed before installing (i.e. will the tube get so hot that paper will be a fire hazard)? I would normally scrub-off the paper/glue, but it would be most convenient to keep the data with the tube.

Have you rolled-tubes with paper stickers on the glass?

Thanks in advance for the common-sense that I seem to be lacking today...


Ag insider logo xs@2xinagroove

I've never used tube with stickers on the glass. Small signal tubes don't get that hot. Most glues will melt when heated and the sticker will fall off anyway.

A lot of old tubes have stickers on them that the OEM put on them for advertising and they are still there 50+ years later.  It is not a hazard.  

That said, I would remove it and clean the glass because I like things clean.  It will "bake on" a bit.


Remove and clean for sure.  There is no useful reason to leave a paper sticker on a vacuum tube.

Hi All - 

Thanks for weighing in...

Off come the stickers. I will record the data and hopefully be able to remember where...
