Anyone have much experience with ESOTERIC DV50s

Im Interested in the esoteric dv50s. Any points of view or any thoughts on this player for dedicated 2 channel use only. Even though this player plays dvds, is it still a good 2 channel player. What other players could it be compared to. How does it compare to the SONY XA5400ES or the SONY XA9000ES?
Hi, I've owned a DV50s, strictly 2 channel for years now.

Have to agree to with the above commnet "Have had the DV50s longer than any other digital peice and have no desire to part with it."

It's a nice machine, especially at these used prices !
I had the DV-50s since they came out, the only reason I sold it was to upgrade to EMM Labs separates, otherwise it would still be around. Great player and built like a tank!
I've had a DV50 for 4 or 5 years and have been extremely pleased with it. At the prices you can buy one now it's tough to beat. It sees less use now that I've gone to a computer front end with an Ayre QB-9.