Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade

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Well explained definition of tweaking and tinkering.

Your example, ‘l have a well-fettled LP12’ made me smile…..

l expect those with one have had an equally well-fettled wallet over the years if the TT has been incrementally upgraded?

Hobbies like this are nearly always a quest, and cost is but part of the journey.


Not to beat a tired horse, but when I first read the word "fettler" on this thread, I had no trouble understanding its meaning, owing to our use of the term "fiddling", meaning to mess around with a complex object, and the obvious relationship to the term "fine fettle".  Funnily, in American English, we generally don't use "fiddler" synonymously with fettler.  That term is reserved for actual musicians who play the fiddle. The Wiki definitions are obviously biased toward American English.

Mylogic, What I meant was that the DM101 just based on photos appears to have no damping for its spring suspension, which is generally needed to prevent overshoot and oscillation of the suspension.  Hence, I guess, the Logic Bounce that you mention.

Fans of the Who - and Tommy, in particular - may have a rather different interpretation of the term "fiddle".

Separately, the LP12 was also designed with undamped suspension - SME and modern Oracles have silicone damping for their suspensions.



Damped suspension

The logic bounce l referred to is excess downforce applied to the spindle while playing a record. The sub-chassis will violently bounce up and down and the cartridge will not leave the groove. Also no change in the pitch of the recording playback. The deck will recover as if nothing has happened. That is also true of footfall… effect on the turntable, it is quite oblivious to it.

The Logic DM101 in its various forms never had damped springs. Any tweaks on that model were due to the scarcity of replacing stretched springs after hit and miss results of sourcing replacements from basic hardware stores. Often a damping tweak was tried to match the characteristic bounce if the new springs were too weak.

Of the higher quality turntables circa 70s and 80s l have owned, Garrard 401, Thorens TD124 mk2, CJ Walker 55, Systemdek III and the Logic DM101, none from the start have ever had damped springs.

l believe you mentioned a Garrard 401 in your system and were sourcing a new plinth?. My early series 401 (with the flush mount strobe light) was mounted in the huge ‘SME Plinth System’. The plinth base and depth was so big to accomodate the widest and deepest decks. The cover was of similar height to the plinth and designed to take the tallest 9 and 12’’ arms. It became unwieldily in my living room and absolutely dominated it. That was why l parted company with the set up in the 80s… was a bad move looking back now! The idea of having two turntables in a lounge back then would have been unthinkable, but now is not too much of a wierd idea.