@lewm The term used in the Old Country referring to a good outcome from tweaking and tinkering is well-fettled. e.g. 'I have a well-fettled LP12.'
#3 Someone who fiddles or tinkers with things
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
Linn has a new plinth upgrade for the LP12. Wow, over $11,000 USD!
@lewm The term used in the Old Country referring to a good outcome from tweaking and tinkering is well-fettled. e.g. 'I have a well-fettled LP12.'
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Well explained definition of tweaking and tinkering. Your example, ‘l have a well-fettled LP12’ made me smile….. l expect those with one have had an equally well-fettled wallet over the years if the TT has been incrementally upgraded? Hobbies like this are nearly always a quest, and cost is but part of the journey.
Not to beat a tired horse, but when I first read the word "fettler" on this thread, I had no trouble understanding its meaning, owing to our use of the term "fiddling", meaning to mess around with a complex object, and the obvious relationship to the term "fine fettle". Funnily, in American English, we generally don't use "fiddler" synonymously with fettler. That term is reserved for actual musicians who play the fiddle. The Wiki definitions are obviously biased toward American English. Mylogic, What I meant was that the DM101 just based on photos appears to have no damping for its spring suspension, which is generally needed to prevent overshoot and oscillation of the suspension. Hence, I guess, the Logic Bounce that you mention. |