I have 2 cd players, which is better musically

I have a home theater system and a 2 channel. My 2 channel consists of:

Conrad Johnson MF 2100 amp, California Audio Labs DX-1 CD player, Acurus LS 11 preamp and a pair of 2Ce Vandersteen speakers.

Now I've been out of the audio scene for a while (as you can tell by my set up) and I'd like to purchas a new cd player - I think. Before I do I would like to swap out the DX-1 for my home theater setup which has a Denon 2910 to see if chaning the CD player is the right move or not. But its a difficult swap do due to the physical location and a major PIA, so if I choose to do the swap I just want it to be worth the effort. So basically is the DX-1 better or worse musically than the Denon 2910?
the cal audio is a nice enough piece, but probaably at least 15 years old, which is eons in audiophile time. the denon, on the other hand, is a much more modern-sounding player with excellent inboard dac. somewhat incomprehensibly, purists shudder at the idea of using a dvdp as a primary cd player, but i've used both the 2910 and 2800 extensively in 2ch setups and recommend them highly--though not the utmost in reliability, they present a very detailed, liquid sound and (with the advent of hdmi and other such foolery) are great bargains in the used markets
Those of us who have tried them don't like them because they sound bad! My friend has an upper level Denon that he has used as a transport or a player. It is not very good at either. 15 years is a long time all right, time enough for a serious deterioration in CD player quality. Most new DACs measure well but sound bad, the general run of CD reproduction peaked in the early 90s. The best new stuff is better but at a VERY high cost. If you don't believe me swap it out and see for yourself.
"Those of us who have tried them don't like them because they sound bad! My friend has an upper level Denon that he has used as a transport or a player. It is not very good at either. 15 years is a long time all right, time enough for a serious deterioration in CD player quality. Most new DACs measure well but sound bad, the general run of CD reproduction peaked in the early 90s. The best new stuff is better but at a VERY high cost. If you don't believe me swap it out and see for yourself."

im not sure what your saying, the DX-1 will sound better than the 2910? What is a good CD player for around a grand these days?
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