Has anyone heard or tried the new Naim Dac?

I am really curious how well it will
preform with non-Naim transports or
the Wadia itransport.
JR, Thanks for your reply, now I understand. Scott, I can't believe I didn't get the transport they were using but all the other equipment was Naim. I have never heard the DeVores before but I am a firm believer in matching the right equipment to each other and maybe this system would have sounded better with other equipment matching. I have heard the Naim cd players before (a long time ago) and never thought they were bright sounding, so I'm not sure what the problem was. I just didn't like the sound, I think it would have been very fatigueing after awhile. I can call the store and ask what they were using as a transport if you're really curious, I can't believe I didn't get that. Anyway, the Devore's were very pretty speakers and very detailed, they would probably sound better with a warmer system. I actually got on the Naim forum and some of the comments about the dac were the same as mine, some digitalitis from this dac. Sandra
Thanks for the input Sandra. I actually bought my
DeVores from a Naim dealer and they were using the
Supernait with the CDX2 cd player. I also listened
to the CDS3 cd player. This was the most musical
system I have ever heard and I have been in this
hobby for many years. It was also the most analog
sounding digital I have ever heard with amazing timbre
and truth of tone. I actually got sucked in and listened
to the system for hours with no trace of glare or digitalitis.

I did find my self wanting a little more sparkle and air on guitar strings. So, if anything these cd players are a little rolled off. So, I am disappointed to hear the DAC
is bright. I wonder if it was fully broken in or if it had
been turned off. A lot of Naim gear takes a long time to
settle in after shut off. I have also noticed that the rave
reviews all use the Naim HDX music server. It is possible that it is voiced with this player.

If you have the chance to find out the transport source
please to let us know.

I think naim gear is a bit of hit or miss. Some of Naim digital gear does seem to suffer from digitalitis. The Naim CD5x sounds fine but the CDX seems to suffer from digitalitis.
Scott, I will call the store tomorrow and find out what transport they were using. I have listened to Naim in the past and never heard any brightness, maybe the dac was too new or not broken in, I never really asked. Maybe the DeVore speakers were not the best choice for them, they said they were waiting for some new Naim speakers to arrive but hadn't got them in yet. If you get on the Naim-Audio forum, there is quite a bit of talk about the new dac, some of it good, some heard what I heard. And because I didn't care for it doesn't mean that somebody else might not, individual tastes vary greatly and it was just my opinion.
Hello all. Scott, when I demoed the Naim dac it was used with a Cambridge 840 cd player as the transport. I thought it was a very detailed open, airy sound, but again, was on the bright side. I listened to this combination for approx. 15-20 minutes and it was already becoming fatiguing to me. This combination would never work with my speakers as they are very revealing and crystal clear, making it too much of a good thing. Someone else might enjoy this sound though depending on the rest of your equipment. Sandra