bad knee, bad back, bad shoulder, 30 surgeries, bad attitude: make friends, or hire others, don’t try doing it yourself, my wife helps me move mid weight stuff, I wait for friends for heavier than that,
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- 19 posts total
I’m 68, have been in shape all my life, and have always moved heavy things. but at 60 I realized I was losing strength. by 65, my kids were finally raised. My first sport is running so I got back into the moutains, hiking at first and now running ultras. But while I could focus on running in my 30s, running up to 80 miles/week without weight work, now I need to cross train to keep my strength up and my body balanced. I’ve gone to the gym off and on all my life and done the "light weight, more reps" routine and never felt like I got much out of it. A year ago I took a friend to the gym who is a serious lifter. He gave me a few tips and the biggest one was to increase the weight, lower the reps. So I did and started making progress. Now a year later I’ve about doubled the weight I’m lifting. I just changed to more weight again, reducing my reps to 6-10. for moving heavy amps you need core strength, arm strength, and moderate leg strength, and a back that won’t spasm on you. Here is my 45 minute workout: stretch and roll on foam roller for 5 min to loosen up. 3 minute plank for core 3 sets curls, now up to 80-100 lbs 3 sets lat pulldowns or assisted pull ups--up to 120 lbs 4 sets bench press. I’ve moved to free weights and doing 135 lbs for workout. a few more things for specific muscles assoicated with running. 3 sets tricps pulldowns 45 lbs 2:00 plank stretch and roll again. I don’t do much for my legs at the gym since I run so much but if I wasn’t a running I’d do leg presses or squats, hamstring curls, and leg extensions for my quads. I do practice squats without any weight. It is important to practice your balance squatting and stretch so you can squat without taking your heels off the ground. If you have pain in any of these exercises, it is generally related to form. watch others or ask experienced lifters for tips. Jerry |
@skids An Excellent Answer. We will spend $20K on an amp, and balk at spending $200 on a piece of equipment to move it around? I recently drywalled a basement. Paid $250 for a drywall lift from Amazon. If I never use it again, it was still worth every penny. Cheers. |
@skids the scissor lift table won't protect your back. You still have to get it on and off the table. If you really want to use a piece of equipment to move it, you need an engine hoist. This will let you pick it up, roll it around, and lower it into place on top of your stand. You do need clearance for the legs to full under your stand which can be a problem. However your amp is a relatively light weight for this piece of equpment so you should be able to extend the boom. I know you guys are gettng tired of me saying "I've done that..." but I've lived a full life. I have set up a machine shop in my garage and have moved all the heavy equipment in by myself including a 2500 lb lathe and a 2000 lb milling machine. Jerry |
- 19 posts total