Have Audiophiles lost their CIVILTY!

Have we lost our ability to respect each other and our differing opinions.  Why are some people so insecure that they are hell bent on being right?


People understand pain and suffering, Anyone is free to believe what they will and get news or influence from social media, propaganda networks or PSYOP campaigns. They may not understand what they are fed, but they know pain and suffering. For Americans and others the pain is just starting.... and it will get worse.

For those who are lazy, uninvolved and don’t do their homework... they vote and make others suffer because of ignorance. They may not understand oligarchy but they understand pain.


People understand pain and suffering

I used to think that. But during covid when people would prefer their "freedom" not to wear masks and to be able to scream into other people's face to their parents staying alive, I learned that a large % of the population just cares about their right to be stupid. Even death wasn't enough to learn - other people's. I think most of them, on their own deathbed came to their senses.  Covid was not a stuntman's gig, nobody got any entertainment out of watching things go seriously bad.

It’s magnified exponentially in autistic spectrum disordered technogeeks but that’s just my humble medical opinion.

odunsi - wanted you


so jawo

so jawo

so jawo

so jawo

Post removed 

I’m old fashioned. I was taught to believe in facts, ethics, manners, compassion, discipline, respect etc. Pretty sure it’s a Judeo-Christian thing?

Much easier maybe to just ignore these supposedly good practices that do not necessarily come easily. They don’t really seem to matter as much these days.

Let me give it a shot…..ahh, very strange sensation:  🧘‍♂️->>>>😡>>>>👺