Mullard EL34 that sounds best

Will need a matched quad of EL34 for the VAC Avatar SE integrated at some point. Currently using Svetlana SEDs but I guess Mullard should be better.

What particular Mullard would you recommend and why ?

I use Mullard 12AX7 longplates in preamp and RCA blackplates as driver tubes.


This thread is about noble original vintage tubes. Not necessarily only Mullard.

Talking about modern tubes here would be like talking about cassette decks in a reel-to-reel thread. And some cassette decks sound quite good, I've got one. But even the best of them are quite far from serious open reel decks.


@inna How are those old stock Mullard EL34 xf2’s sound in your VAC? Better than your SED’s?

Mullards XF2s are in my VAC Avatar SE. I'll give them a burn in time of a few dozen hours. But it's clear right away that they are far superior to SEDs in every respect. The most striking difference is how well they present the performing space, how at the same time the sound is more coherent and instrument separation is much better. Drums don't jump out of the speakers and Miles's trumpet doesn't scream in my face. Well, I exaggerated a little, SEDs are not bad. And overall, very sophisticated sound with depth and grace.