DAC recommendation for DSD input

Hello-- 80% of my listening is streaming local DSD (64-256) files via Roon. My current system is Roon Core on an iMac Pro making its way to a Sonore Optical Rendu which is connected, via USB to the DAC in my Hegel H390 integrated which feeds Magico A3 speakers and a pair of REL S/510 subs.. There is nothing at all objectionable to my current system, nonetheless, I am wondering if an external DAC might be an improvement over the H390's DAC and if that is a worthwhile spend.  I am space constrained so I must stick with an integrated (pre+amp), but do have space for a DAC and the Rendu system.

I have spent hours researching many of the newer and older DACS, including the cheaper "Chifi" DACS (Topping, Gustard R26 and X26iii),  T+A 200 DAC, PS Audio Direct Stream MKi2 and Mola Mola Tambaqui (used) and other DACs in-between (Denefrips Pontus and Terminator, Holo May, Wyred for Sound 10th anniversary, etc).  

I would rather spend $5k-$10K for a significant improvement as opposed to  $1K-$4K for no or a slight improvement. My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass.  Is it unrealistic to expect that an external DAC will bring a significant improvement?

My system is in a decent room, but there is little to no choice in speaker placement or room treatment opportunities.

I have a chance to audition the T+A 200 DAC and the Direct Stream MK2.  In a previous system, I had an MSB Discrete stack which was nice, but I'm not sure that would be the worth the cost today.

What type of DAC (chip based, FPGA, R2R, OS/NOS) is more structured to DSD input?  I've almost ruled out R2R, but could be mistaken?  The deeper I look, the more confused I get.  

Thanks for any recommendations or advice.




Thanks everyone for all your helpful advice!  Hopefully I'll be able to make a move late next week. If the pre-owned Tambaqui is still available, I'll probably start there and post the results. 

I've had Parsound, Pro-Ject and have settled on Benchmark DAC3.  The DAC3 has some unique technology, an astounding SN ratio, and just sounds right.

"In most D/A conversion systems, intersample peaks cause overloading of the upsampling interpolators and digital filters that are found in all sigma-delta converters. When overloads occur, bursts of non-harmonic distortion are produced. These bursts of high-frequency distortion may occur many times per second and may add a false brightness and harshness to the sound. This defect impacts PCM formats but does not impact 1-bit DSD formats. The absence of intersample clipping may explain some people's preference for DSD. The DAC3 delivers clean PCM conversion that meets or exceeds the clarity of DSD."

I agree with @pwoodard922  a used Lampizator is what you are asking for:

"My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass."

If you can find a DHT model like the Big7 or Goldengate it ticks all your boxes.  

My DAC path was first a Schitt Yggdrasil to a W4S DAC2 DSD SE to a Denafrips Terminator to a TerminatorPlus (with IRIS) to a Lampizator Goldengate which I sent back to Poland for the Engine11P upgrade which was a huge leap of faith because I did not think the DAC could be improved but I was very wrong.  Its been over a year and I can't imagine ever moving on from the Lampizator.  

I was pretty happy (I thought) with the TerminatorPlus and bought the Goldengate on a bit of a whim (that's Freudian for a subconscious doubt of my happiness) and I'm glad I listened to my doubts.

I'll write it again, it ticks all the boxes you are looking for and more.