This Might Not Exist, Any reasonably priced, smaller speakers with 100db Sensitivity?

I am seriously considering putting together a system with power amp(s) that provide, at most 3.5 wpc. The Company behind them does not recommend using them with any speaker with less than 100db sensitivity.

Everything I am aware of is expensive and large to very large. Are there any quality speakers out there that would work effectively in a 12x10 room, and be capable of being driven by that amount of power? I would be happy to buy used, to keep the price affordable. I realize that the situation is not helped by the fact that many manufacturers inflate their claimed sensitivity.


Any expertise, recommendations or advice greatly appreciated.


PS there are a few ss amps that cater to the low power market, but most systems fit into the above 2 categories.  I'll also add that there is another emerging category--the high power tube amp aimed at the 90dB sensitiveity speakers.  While not bad, SET fans are not on board.

Hardly an "emerging" category. 

Audio Research, Balanced Audio Technology, Manley Labs, Conrad Johnson, Cary, Jadis, are just a small sample of companies that made or make high power tube amplifiers. Some very high poser.

Some of these have been around since the 70's.

And many sound incredible. In a way, the best of both sonic worlds; tube silkiness and solid state heft and dynamics. 

Sensitivity has nothing to do with speaker quality contrary to a popular misconception. The advantages of high sensitivity are merely that the speaker comes “alive” (more dynamic) at lower volumes and they can be used with low-power tube amps, for those who like that sort of sound. 

No small bookshelf is going to approach 100dB sensitivity. A bookshelf speaker with 90dB sensitivity is a high efficiency one. 

bilyeauxbrew's avatar


30 posts


Nightfall I have found both the Klipsh and Omegas sound wonderful with 2 watts in my 15x15 room. All the volume needed. Do have a sub as well.

Very helpful to know, thanks! Tells me this is truly workable. Based on this, I have just purchased a pair of 95db Omega Compact Alnico monitors. I will also be pairing them with a sub. 

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and recommendations. All are appreciated. And Ralph, I may also try your DIY recommendation if I can work out a strategy for crossovers.