A couple years back, Amir was said to have Mark Levinson monoblocks driving Revel Salon 2s in his personal system.
I haven't seen a picture so I can't comment on positioning etc.
But I wouldn't be ashamed to have that gear in my house :)
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
Imagine doing a wine review as follows - samples of wines are assessed by a reviewer who measures multiple variables including light transmission, specific gravity, residual sugar, salinity, boiling point etc. These tests are repeated while playing test tones through the samples at different frequencies.
The results are compiled and the winner selected based on those measurements and the reviewer concludes that the other wines can't possibly be as good based on their measured results.
At no point does the reviewer assess the bouquet of the wine nor taste it. He relies on the science of measured results and not the decidedly unscientific subjective experience of smell and taste.
That is the ASR approach to audio - drinking Kool Aid, not wine.
@knownothing Science is about looking at data and making the best possible inference with the least ad hoc assumption (Parsimony, Mach's Principle of Economy, Ockham's Razor). It needs not to be predictive or testing as is shown in e.g. medical diagnostics using adductive inference (see Josephson & Josephson, 1996: Abductive Inference: Computation, Philosophy, Technology). Popperian hypothetico-deductivism is not the only scientific inference. In fact, it is rather limiting, one could even say boring, as it is not ampliative. Popperian approach cannot find anything new, it can only reject something that is already there. I find and describe new species and that is certainly science and definitely not Popperian. Amir's approach is certainly more scientific than TAS or SPh etc., which is nothing but fanciful storytelling. I have watched quite a few of Amir's videos, and have also corresponded with him briefly over email. He is a no-nonsense scientist, like myself. One should not mistake clear articulated words as a sign of arrogance. I find him actually quite deferential. @samureyex Re cables, the biggest difference should be from bargain basement to something better. I have tried that with speaker cables and interconnects, and have not found any difference between a Cardas 101 AWG 14 cable and a PearlAcoustics AWG 5-6 cable. Hooked up at same time on A-B speaker outs, so could switch in an instant. Same with interconnects. Re system, see my virtual system. Based on my personal listening experience, I cannot hear any difference between any cable I ever tried. This fits well with Amir's measurements, as well as Gene with Audioholics for that matter. |