Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ?

I almost bought one used a few years ago but decided to go all tubes.


arafiq, far be it from me to suggest that Gryphon is overall a better amp.

As you say, they are different, and of course both are in a different league than Luxman.

It is also about match to the speakers.

@bluethinker thanks again for the useful response, much appreciated. From your description it appears that the Diablo 120 may be voiced slightly to warm or soft in the high frequencies since it matches well with speakers which have a dominant or hot treble. I won’t be able to live with an amp that has a warmer or softer treble than the already warm, soft and delicate Luxman 590AXII.

As I’m buying used, I won’t be able to try but will likely go with either 300 or 120. Another available option recommended to me is the Audionet Watt but I’ll pass.

@arafiq thanks. I don't have any doubts the Vitus is excellent, though I have a preference for amps which are not too huge or heavy. The Diablo 300 is actually the limit for me, 120 more ideal. The SS-101 would be too much for me, not only the weight but the price as well. The SIA-025mk2 is nice too. Unfortunately I can't compare both in my system since I'm buying used but still prefer to go with the Gryphon. I am aware both Vitus and Gryphon are great amps, a matter of preference.

@ryder - I completely understand. Which speakers are you planning on using with the new amp (purchased used, as you mentioned)? 


ive been intrigued by the AudioNet equipment. The AudioNet Watt has intrigued me. Any particular reason you’d pass on it? I have not heard it, but would like to. 

@bluethinker I’ll be using the Marten Duke 2 with the new(likely used) amp. I also own the Graham LS5/9 but have the Naim amps on these. I occasionally will rotate the amps on the speakers to see how they would perform together.

A dealer offered the Audionet Watt for the trade-in of my Naim amps but the deal was not good.