I agree with @pwoodard922 a used Lampizator is what you are asking for:
"My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass."
If you can find a DHT model like the Big7 or Goldengate it ticks all your boxes.
My DAC path was first a Schitt Yggdrasil to a W4S DAC2 DSD SE to a Denafrips Terminator to a TerminatorPlus (with IRIS) to a Lampizator Goldengate which I sent back to Poland for the Engine11P upgrade which was a huge leap of faith because I did not think the DAC could be improved but I was very wrong. Its been over a year and I can't imagine ever moving on from the Lampizator.
I was pretty happy (I thought) with the TerminatorPlus and bought the Goldengate on a bit of a whim (that's Freudian for a subconscious doubt of my happiness) and I'm glad I listened to my doubts.
I'll write it again, it ticks all the boxes you are looking for and more.