Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?

I haven't been following this for a number of years. Just curious.

Does any of you have one of those ?

"Top of the range" is British English, that was intentional. When I think turntables, at least under $50k or so, I always first think British.


Was just thinking it’s ironic that the LP12 is denigrated for the high cost of upgrades but Clearaudio gets away with it because for $20,000, you also get a name change.

Woots, what spectrum? And by the way, which Kuzma? No one here mentions any direct drive TT. The Dohmann Helix is the only belt drive I’d have in my system, if I were limited to BD.

Technics SP-10R, SL-1000R, and SP10 mk3 are in the conversation for best turntable in the world and sell in the $10-20k range.

Dohmann, the same man who designed the Continuum tables. No wonder.

Most will think that belt drive is the way to go, certainly at the top level. But this is an endless discussion. It's like some will only listen to horn speakers. As a tape man, not a vinyl man, I don't think I am biased. Whatever sounds more right to me.