@oberoniaomnia You mention a point where I just want to bang my head against a refrigerator every time I hear it. Something ASR loves to use as their defense also.
This is one of ASR biggest problem.
"If it measures the same, it sounds the same".
"if it measures different, it’s beyond human hearing, so it also sounds the same".
Like come on give it a break.
1) Cables sound different and you guys measure it to be the same.
2) Told you guys to measure capacitance and inductance of a cable and you say it’s not audible.
3) ASR says they are calling out the BS in the industry but they have become the same demons they repelled. ASR promotes a bunch of mediocre sounding Topping products as world-class.
4) We have good sounding products and you measure it bad
5) You guys measure bad sounding products and say it’s amazing.
Hear me out, what if a poorly measured product is actually a great technical product and hence it sounds good? That’d actually make more sense.