Calculation verification please

If using a SUT with 1:40 (32dB gain) and a cartridge with an Internal impedance of 1.4Ω going into a 47,000 phono input, what parallel loading RCA resistors on the phono stage would I require to see a 375-ohm load?

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Atma, Skos wrote: "I’ve been experimenting into a MC section and the manufacturer says to load between 100 - 800 ohms. I’ve tried 250, 324, 368, 404, 500 & 600 ohms and found I like best the 368 ohm loading. So now want to try using my SUT."

IOW, he heard differences in SQ among those listed load resistances BEFORE he decided to implement a SUT. So, using a step-up had nothing to do with his observation.  So many hear differences using load resistances that differ by only a few tens of ohms that I am convinced the observations are valid.  I just don't hear it, or better to say I do hear subtle differences between widely different loads (e.g., 100 ohms vs 47K ohms, with LOMCs that can drive 100 ohms) but none worth a damn. In those cases I slightly prefer 47K ohms. I do think my system is low enough in distortion that I should hear it if my brain says it's there.  That suggests my ears and brain are tuned differently or are superannuated or both.

My wife is a brunette and I don't have the gut that guy has, but otherwise there is some relevance.