Man, you’ve been reading my mail. I thought I was a weirdo because I was so fascinated with anything that made music when I was a kid. I’m a 1960 boomer. I pined after anything that made reproduced music, a Panasonic transistor radio, a console player. I used to take speakers out of old TV’s and consoles left out for the trash etc. and hook them up to my radio, whatever. I bought a Panasonic cassette player with money I saved from my paper-route (remember those?) and added a little oiled walnut Radio Shack “Minimus” speaker (and the obligatory speaker cord) so it sounded like something close to music. I was in heaven! That was my introduction into audio.
Then I convinced my parents into a small system from “Tech Hi-Fi” a Boston based dealer in the early 1970’s. That’s when I decided I hated records because they were so maintenance intensive and I knew that $35-dollar cartridge on a BSR “changer” wasn’t doing any justice to my vinyl, and is why I was an immediate advocate of CDs because, even though they sounded like shit, they were easy to keep clean and weren’t ruined with every playing. Of course, there were many items purchased and sold etc. Rinse, repeat, rinse repeat, you get it.
Fast forward to today. I’ve decided speaker wire and cables claims are absolute crap. . Of course, components sound different, especially loud speakers. However, electronics not so differently as the industry would like us to believe. And yes, a not so good measuring piece can sound better than a not so good sounding piece.
What I’ve finally discovered in my 60’s is that it all about THE MUSIC! I like music now; not equipment!