The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.

Imagine doing a wine review as follows - samples of wines are assessed by a reviewer who measures multiple variables including light transmission, specific gravity, residual sugar, salinity, boiling point etc.  These tests are repeated while playing test tones through the samples at different frequencies.

The results are compiled and the winner selected based on those measurements and the reviewer concludes that the other wines can't possibly be as good based on their measured results.  

At no point does the reviewer assess the bouquet of the wine nor taste it.  He relies on the science of measured results and not the decidedly unscientific subjective experience of smell and taste.

That is the ASR approach to audio - drinking Kool Aid, not wine.

hilde45 Unless you are weight training which can make using a scale irrelevant and possibly detrimental to weight loss.

The subject of ground loops is IMO under-appreciated in the audiophile community.

There's nothing mysterious going on, it's just physics. But it can be challenging if not confusing to learn and apply. Sorting out fiction from fact may be an issue for the layperson as well.

Bill Whitlock has put out some of the most accurate and digestible material on this topic. Search "Bill Whitlock ground loops" and you'll find at least a few freely available papers and powerpoint decks he has authored.

It's well worth having at least a basic knowledge of safety grounding ("earthing") and how it relates to noise in audio systems. First and foremost to keep yourself and others safe with a proper installation, but also to address noise issues effectively.

Have a look on the Jensen Transformers website for application notes AN007 and AN009 for example.

Have a look also for "indy-aes-2012-seminar-w-notes-v1-0.pdf"

I believe Amir started with good intentions to provide useful information. The emergence of a vocal, sometimes arrogant and nasty, ASR following turns many off.  Amir has done very little to rein in the most offensive ASR faithful. 

Amir himself automated a search process for mention of ASR in other forums so he could jump in to defend himself.  That defense typically involved him arguing everyone else is wrong, he is right, ad nauseum in a long and repetitive thread.  He defends that approach as justified due to so many attacks leveled against himself.  That is ironic considering how many times Amir and the ASR faithful have attacked other audio businesses as dishonest know nothings.

Amir promotes his technical knowledge as expansive and extensive.  Yet he asked Audio Precision to make their analyzer more "fool proof".  Amir claims vast technical knowledge, but is unable to reliably operate the AP analyzer.

Amir promotes Topping and other economical products as measuring well so they must sound good.  That is good information if it stopped there.  Often, Amir and the faithful insult others that choose to spend more as fools.  Ironic others are fools for spending as they choose while Amir owns personal audio equipment well into the 6 figure territory.  

Amir reveals his other business venture in order to claim immunization from any conflict of interest or bias.  He and ASR faithful frequently point to that transparency as inviolate fairness and independence.  Regardless, Amir is no more pure as the driven snow as any other reviewer.  

Finally, Amir would be better served to present is measurements and dispense with the chest thumping I am right, I am right, listen to me because I am right mantra.



It’s a free country.  It is a shame but Offensive is very in these days all over.  Who knows why?  Just ignore the offensive and focus on the good. No sense getting all uptight over it.