Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?

I haven't been following this for a number of years. Just curious.

Does any of you have one of those ?

"Top of the range" is British English, that was intentional. When I think turntables, at least under $50k or so, I always first think British.



VPI absolutely belongs on this list. But made in Brooklyn somehow lacks the cachet of more exotic manufacturing locales ...

Yes, I absolutely agree VPI belongs on the list. But they're made in NJ, not Brooklyn. Before that they were headquartered in Queens, iirc.

You might be thinking of Grado, perhaps?

@inna SME tables don't get much love here. However, I am completely satisfied with my pair of SMEs, even though they are lowly Model 10s. But I stack components, so I'm not a real audiophile....

I see. Are you also familiar with SME turntables ?

@inna  Nope. Their table are less common here in USA I guess, though the arms still get love. 

Think you'll be hard pressed to find 'philes who've had more than a few top tables, who are not also involved / staked in the industry in some fashion. 

All the Brands mentioned here are good quality turntables.....I wanted a "musical ...engaging ...natural sound with a 4 K budget......I love my Rega 8 with Aphetta 3 cart. Thanks Rich from Signature Sound.

dogberry, yes, I don’t hear much about SME turntables. About Nottingham turntables as well, as different as they are.

mulveling, you are right. It’s difficult to even audition them all.