Mixing XLR and RCA outputs when biamping?

I’m about to introduce two new (to me) amps into my 2-channel system, and wondered about how to hook them up.


The amps are refurbished Adcom GFA555s1, and I plan to bi-wire them vertically.  My preamp (NAD C658) has both XLR and RCA outputs,  and it appears they output simultaneously.    However, the amps are RCA input only (no XLR input).          It would seem I have a couple of options:


1. use the RCA output of the preamp, and split each signal to feed both channels of each amp.    

2. Use both XLR and RCA outputs, with the two left channels going to the left speaker amp.


Would the voltage/sound level be the same for situation 2?    I was thinking running the left XLR into the low freq on the left speaker, and the right XLR not the low freq of the right speaker.


this is probably a dumb idea and I should split the RCA signal.






Thanks Eric,

I had almost gotten to that point myself.   These amps are also bridgeable, but most people don't recommend it.   My speakers are 8ohm nominal, B&W 801S2.



Well if you were considering doing more work, those are good speakers to take semi-active.  Using a 2-way active crossover, and by passing the woofer low pass and mid high pass can increase your dynamic range and give you some powerful EQ capabilities.