Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer

I have a pair of REL Ti9 subs in my dedicated listening room which is 12 x 17. I am looking for a pair of bookshelf speakers that would pair well with the subs. Searching on my own and watching reviews has made a choice even worse. So many to choose from. I mostly listen to jazz and blues with some classic rock thrown in. I have a good SACD collection and several dsd files. There are no audiophile stores close to me.

Any input would be appreciated.


you are probably right. My Legacy Studio HD speakers clash with the REL's and the amt tweeter is a might much. Toe in and out does not seem to help much.

Q Accoutics 300 would be a great pairing. Sound better than speakers 3x their cost.

Hey @m20j201, look at GR Research X-LS Encore or NX-Bravo. You can build a kit really affordably if you're crafty, or buy pre-built for still an affordable amount. I have their NX-Studios and they absolutely surpass the hype. Honestly given your components and musical taste, you might favor the soft dome tweeter of the X-LS Encore. Worth looking at.



Totem Acoustic or Sonus faber should be given serious consideration. Verafi Audio is an excellent bang for the buck (Never heard ’em.) Have a set of these Vanguard Speakers (in Bamboo) puppies in my whole house system and like wow.

The Triangles are super bright IMHO. The MoFi SP 8 are not and also very good for the money but may not integrate very well. . The MoFi SP 10 should not need a sub.

I would look for a used or discounted pair of Dynaudio Contour 20i.  Totally smooth / non bright and are designed to use port plugs as an option (they come with them).  I cannot emphasize enough how port plugs make for the best sounding subwoofer integration.  If you are a careful observant listener, subwoofers and open ported speakers can sound excellent but you will also hear compromises too, things that sound worse than without the subs.  Plug the ports and no compromises along with easier integration.