Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?

In top of the line or near top of the line system.


In general, ones entire collection sounds better with better sounding cartridges. As I moved from $100, to $1K, to $3K to $7K they also seemed to track in a different location and my 1960's and '70s albums nearly sounded new. I am assuming they track much deeper. I have only heard $12K cartridges and did not know the albums history, so can't comment on those. 


dwette, I see. Do you also have Boulder preamp and power amp ?

No, but that may come to pass, based on my experience with how very good the Boulder 1108 phono-stage is.

I have a Naim Audio NAC 252/Supercap DR preamp + Naim NAP 300 DR power amp, with Dynaudio Confidence C2 Platinum speakers and a pair of REL S/510 subs. I was using a Naim Superline + Supercap DR phono-stage, but after adding a 2nd tonearm I needed something with dual phono inputs, but I wanted something that is not a downgrade from the Naim phono-stage. The Boulder ticked all the boxes.

If I ever decide to move on from my Naim 252/300 I have (which is quite excellent) I would first audition a Boulder 1110/1161 series for pre/amp, based on how good the phono-stage is.

My digital front end is a Naim NDX2/XPS-DR. I won’t make any changes there, for the simple reason I just don’t play digital that much in my main system as I do analog.


In general, ones entire collection sounds better with better sounding cartridges.

I couldn’t agree more. To my mind – forget the audiophile reissues – that’s the best reason to climb the ladder on great cartridges.