Is there a good 5 disc CD player out there ???

I'm looking for a good quality 5 disc CD player. Something I could find on A-gon for between $4K-$5K. Any suggestions?
Sorry, just saw your question. It's called the Attraction. You can get more information at Charles Altmann's website:

Be prepared. This is an extremely unconventional design. Requires a car battery to power. It's nothing more that a circuit board mounted on a rectangular piece of spruce wood.
What about the McIntosh changers? See a lot of them here for sale. never have heard one, just going from the brand name
I have a Denon DCD 290 and I think is a pretty decent piece of equipment. I have it hooked up to a Valab DAC. This whole set up cost me around $300, the Denon was $99, and the sound is relaxed, focused and with incredible tone. My Denon changer replaced a modified Toshiba sd 3960 ( remember the Vinnie mods ?).