I currently have 5 amps I could switch in. I need to sell about 4, but I wall always have a spare amp and DAC so I will never be out of music for even a day.
Now the spare amps are much, much less pricey than my main amp, but you can get a large percentage of the quality of the sound you are looking for, for 10% of the price.
And it can be fun and enjoyable to listen to a different sound. I had a Tektron (european) tube amp with settings for 300B, 2A3, and type 45 tubes, all with a different sound. I should never have sold it as it was the best backup amp I’ve even had. but a good guy really wanted it badly and I am glad it went to someone who really appreciated it.
So go to the used amp pages and buy and amp from someone who will ship it today. Then you can be patient as you repair your main amp.